Saturday, May 14, 2011

summer adventure starting... now!

The parents' house in jerseyy! all of my dad's gardening is starting to yield results!
My mom has always wanted a japanese maple tree. i'm pretty sure she stole a young tree she found somewhere and is in the process of trying to make it grow large enough to plant somewhere in the front yard.
Hung around the city with Jane for lunch for a bit. we passed a park with several etchings to commemorate iconic persons and characters named Peter
My favorite one!

I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen a person use a public phonebooth! there's a shoulder in frame of a man who blew a razberry at me and made weird noises while in passing... presumably because i was taking a random picture on a streetcorner

Must see: "Hobo with a Shotgun"

 Frozen yogurt with Jane! fruit and walnuts and mochi on top of pomegranate, cheesecake, and strawberry flavored frozen yogurt! 0.39 cents per oz!
Home of the deep fried hot dog. i hate hotdogs but these are really good! 

lunch with jane! :)

This is an awful picture bc I was trying to be sneaky! But this was taken... I think when I switched from the a train to the L train in union square... NYPD in the subway station on one of those doofy thingies... I forget what they're called, but it made me laugh!
These are the most recent photos taken this weekend ... a day at the Iris Gardens with the sister and the momma!

1 comment:

  1. how stupid am i.... you can clearly see that the cop picture was taken in times square and not union square!
