Monday, May 30, 2011

getting to texasss

I still can't believe that just two days ago I was eating lunch in central park... now i am in the middle of the desert in north texas. i saw tumble weeds and prairie dogs!

 Had a connecting flight into Dallas.. the airport was beyond huge! And the airport was full of people in military garb so I assume a huge military base was nearby. and i truly felt like an outsider when i got onto my connecting flight to amarillo when i saw a group of 40-something women hair teased, sprayed, and dyed, with enough makeup to cover 4 women each  with twangy accents and leopard print and sequined clothes-- i have truly arrived in the south!
This was the plane I took from dallas to amarillo. it was the smallest commercial plane that i've ever been on. didn't seat more than 60 people... but once you reach amarillo you realize it's not exactly a tourist destination 
This might be kinda fuzzy but you can see the circular irrigation patterns as you descend to amarillo (which is experiencing a rather heavy drought).  when i was flying to dallas a guy a few seats away told me that amarillo is cattle country. this is partly true... amarillo is also oil country. There are oil refineries everywhere and as you drive you can smell odor coming from them. weather as i flew in was 110 degrees Fahrenheit with 40 mile per hour winds. the pilot rightly described the weather as walking through a blow dryer.  
  the archetecture of homes nearby the dorms are so strange! :D

no one has garages for their cars (mainly trucks). they have car ports like the one here on the left

someone's backyard cacti
went swimming in a dam on the lake meredith recreation area. it was so nice and cold! like an oasis compared to how dry the general area is.
I finally got my webcam set up. hopefully i get skyping with people soon!

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