Thursday, October 27, 2011

random october picturesss

Surprise surprise... we had a very rainy day in syracuse. took some pictures on my way home from campus of the trees. 
 here's the evil female ginkgo trees. i call them smovum because they drop their ovaries in the fall and if you step on one it gushes white goo and you will carry a gross stench with you for hours.

 here are some of the trees i pass on my way home that i actually like... :)

View from under my new umbrella 

 So i was having one of those terrible days where i fixate on things and hate everyone! i came home sorta depressed but i found a package outside my door. my mother had bought me a tablecloth and matching napkins of this design we liked when were in a the texas state history museum. my mom is so fucking cute and thoughtful! i put it on our dining room table :D

 Cool plate tectonic maps in the heroy geology building

 jamie tried to dye his hair green with jello which was a fail
i successfully bleached his hair blonde

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Free Goods :D

Who doesnt love free shit... I DO!

in the geology building where i'm taking hydrogeology one of the professors was cleaning out his office and gave me some cool rocks. and you guessed it, they were freee :]


Also got free lunch and free panera bread in exchange for talking to a pastor for a few min about lima, peru. I just need to go and buy some good blackberry fruit preserve now :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thoughts on death

I am currently living 250 miles away from my immediate family. Even further from extended family. My grandmother on my father's side has been in and out of the hospital for various reasons since July/August.

I want to stay in the know of how she is doing -- but I can't help but feel that finding out via continuous emails is just too clinical and depressing for my own mind. Part of me doesn't want to even care after all the pain she has caused my father -- I sometimes see how he continually forgives her and I resent her even more for it. but i'd never wish death upon a human being. At 80 years old ...slowly deteriorating in a hospital bed is just too much for me to handle (i think i will have to create a living will later in life for if i ever end up in a similar situation).

its like i keep getting these awful emails. "a couple of days left to two weeks to live as her kidneys are shutting down and she is no longer urinating and not eating. He said dialysis would just be a bandaid if she survived it as her liver is failing as well as her red blood cells and platelet production. He recommends hospice for her."

i can't even fathom what might be going through her mind. just waiting for death to greet you. sick shit --- it's starting to really weigh heavy on my mind. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Everytime you text me asking what my weekend is looking like... I know exactly what you are trying to say.

 in my head it translates to 'hey i am willing to drive for 10 hours this weekend so i can be used by you'.

you make it so easy for me to feign ignorance and tell you about how busy my weekend is going to be. how much schoolwork i have and i'll complain about my exams coming up. you are nice, good-looking, successful guy, albeit a tad moronic. Your game is transparent, darling. You really need to get over me -- there are plenty other girls worth chasing after.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

random thoughts of todayy

"To see you when I wake up
is a gift I didn't think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
is a three-fold, utopian dream.
You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said,
I miss you."

it's amazing how you can get so used to regular interactions with a person. i catch myself with a goofy smirk on my face at something as simple as a text message left for me while i was at work today. 

can you miss something that is not completely tangible? when a relationship exists in only two dimensions are you still missing the 3 dimensional being on the other end of the string? I'd like to believe that's very possible.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

random baby photos!

i unearthed some photos while at my parents house this weekend. i'd guess that i was less than 3 in the pictures

supah cuteee

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Caitlin and I spent a bit of time today having lunch together while heather was recovering from a night of too much drinking that had, unfortunately, landed her into the hospital. all is well she has been sleeping it off.

after dropping off heather's boyfriend at the bus station we went shopping and then i played with caitlin's ball python goose!

he started his journey

ended up in caitlin's slipper and refused to come out

Sunday, September 4, 2011

enjoying the rain in syracuse

lol i took this last week or so. it was raining like this BEFORE hurricane Irene. then it hit the east coast of the US, esp harming parts of vermont and new jersey. my family and friends were okay but the family was stuck in california and couldn't fly into any airport in the tri-state area until a week and a half after their original flight was scheduled. i felt no evidence of the hurricane in syracuse. i wouldnt have minded some raaainnn. it could rain today, i'd really enjoy it! yesterday it was almost 90 degrees -- i can't stand the humidity and the heeattt T_T rable rable rable

Saturday, August 27, 2011

state fairrr

 nick and i went to the ny state fair in syracuse! basically ate our faces off and looked at all the farm animals competing for blue ribbons

there was a train display too